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Toronto, On- This past weekend was the sixth annual Motorama Custom Car and Motorsports Expo at the Toronto International Centre in Toronto. Throughout the weekend there was a lot of presence within the booth as people stopped in and said hi or even new people who have never seen these cars before get interested in the club. We had former racers and champions stop by and relive their time in the hobby division. The two days brought a lot of people throughout the booth and checking out the cars and asking questions to anyone within the booth about the cars,where we run and picking up a schedule.

The one big thing was a lot of people saying how happy they were to see the cars and hear about all the good things going on with the club. There was a lot of excitement around the car count being up this year with 28 registered cars who are either running full time or part-time in 2020. During the weekend there was a lot of excitement at looking at all the amazing looking cars and sure seems to look like the most diverse class in terms of designs from team to team. Which will sure make for a tough decision of Best Appearing Car at the end of the year.

John Karley was on the mic with Flamboro Speedway announcer Gary Colling talking bout the car count and this amazing rebuild that has seen cars come out of the wood work and new drivers coming to this once great division. There was a repeat phrase coming back and that was “this is fun, we're just getting started”. That line was spoken over and over again and the matter of fact is it's true. The club is just getting started and the fun is just getting started. Opening night is a $625.00 to win feature event sponsored by Dave Franks Photos.

As the sunsets on the Motorama show for another year, things sure seem to be gearing up behind the scenes with more news yet to come. So stayed tuned.

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